Rock Creek Area

Rock Creek Area Service Committee

When:  1st Thursday of the month @ 7:00 PM EST on the Zoom platform:

Zoom Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 976 3369 5567
Passcode: rockcreek
Area Secretary Extraordinaire – Danica G
Send reports here

Area Subcommittee Meetings

Hospitals & Institutions
Chair – David T
When: 1st Wednesday of the month @ 7:00pm EST
Where: Politics & Prose
5015 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008

Chair – Amanda K
When:  3rd Saturday of the month @ 10am EST
Zoom Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 886 7901 6226
Passcode: 371655

Public Relations
Chair – David C
When: 2nd Sunday of the month @ 8pm EST
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 814 1015 1597
Passcode: 123456

Web Servant

For updates to the Rock Creek Area websites, contact Rich G. at or (408) 313-6699.